Lågen Fishing River in Gudbrandsdalen valley
Gudbrandsdalslågen (Lågen) and its tributaries are recognized as some of the best fisheries in Norway for inland species. Here you will find a wide variation throughout the river system, and a similarly wide variety of species. Lågen Fiskeelv is a group consisting of 9 individually run zones
Fishing License
You have the the option of either purchasing a license for each individual zone above, as well as day licenses and season licenses which are valid in all of the zones in managed by Lågen Fiskeelv, excluding the fly fishing only zone in zone 5, which requires it’s own license.
Gudbrandsdalslågen (Lågen) and its tributaries are recognized as some of the best fisheries in Norway for inland species. Here you will find a wide variation throughout the river system, and a similarly wide variety of species. Lågen Fiskeelv is a group consisting of 9 individually run zones that manage the fishing rights in Gudbrandsdalslågen from Lake Mjøsa almost all the way upstream to Lesjaskogsvatnet. This area also includes the tributaries Gausa, Jøra, Augga, and Otta River up to Vågå (and lake Vågå in the Vågå Municipality) as well as the lower sections of Lora River.
Below you will find a short description of these individual zones with links to more information on Inatur.
Zone 1: Lågen from Mjøsa (the old Vignes Bridge) to Hunderfossen and Gausa in the Lillehammer municipality.
Lågen is home to almost 20 species of fish, and is a place where you will find endless opportunities and challenges. This is a place for everyone – from fly anglers chasing big trout, grayling, and pike, to worm fishing with the family. In zone 1 there is a bag limit of maximum 5 trout over 30 cm per season per angler. We ask that all trout with an unclipped adipose fin (wild fish) be released. For more information on Zone 1 please see «Fishing License – Zone 1 (Lillehammer) Gudbrandsdalslågen» on Inatur.
Zone 2: Lågen in the Øyer municipality from Hunderfossen (and in Lillehammer municipality above Hunderfossen)
Zone 2 offers both slow flowing and rapid stretches of river. Every year there are several very large trout caught here and you will also find very good fishing for grayling, especially in the fall. In addition to this you will also find whitefish, perch, and burbot. For more information on Zone 2 please see «Fishing License – Zone 2 (Øyer) Gudbrandsdalslågen» on Inatur.
Zone 3: Lågen in the Ringebu municipality
Zone 3 is home to many different species including trout, grayling, whitefish, burbot, perch, and the common roach. Here you will find everything from professional anglers to families fishing together and enjoying the evening by the fire. We ask that all trout with an unclipped adipose fin be released. For more information on zone 3 please see «Fishing License – Zone 3 (Ringebu) Gudbrandsdalslågen» on Inatur.
Zone 4: Lågen in the Sør-Fron and Nord-Fron municipalities
Zone 4 stretches from the municipality border of Ringebu all the way to Sel in the north. This zone naturally divides itself in two, with the stretch above and below Harpefossen. For more information on zone 4 please see «Fishing License – Zone 4 (Fron) in Gudbrandsdalslågen» on Inatur.
Zone 5: Lågen and Otta River in the Sel municipality
This stretch of Gudbrandsdalslågen is extremely well suited for sports fishing. Here you will also find an exclusive fly-fishing only zone. The fly fishing zone is roughly 5 km long, with glass clear water and a healthy population of trout and grayling. Bag limit in the fly-fishing zone – zone 5: Each angler may take 2 fish under 35 cm (trout/grayling) per day. All fish over 35 cm must be released. Outside of the fly-fishing zone there is no bag limit. For more information on zone 5 please see: «Fishing License – Zone 5 (Sel) in Gudbrandsdalslågen» on Inatur. For more information on the fly-fishing zone in zone 5 please see: «Fishing License Zone 5 – Fly-Fishing» on Fishspot.no.
Zone 6: Lågen in the Dovre Municipality (excluding a section requiring a separate license)
We can offer exciting fishing experiences for trout and grayling for both the avid fly angler as well as worm and spin tackle anglers. Zone 6 is made up of both slower flowing sections and varying swift water sections. For more information on zone 6 please see: «Fishing License – Zone 6 (Dovre) in Gudbrandsdalslågen» on Inatur.
Zone 7: Lågen in Lesja Kommune to the outled of Skrukka 7 km south of Lake Lesjaskogsvatnet. Including the lower portion of Lora
This river can be crystal clear and slow flowing. Under good conditions it is very easy to spot fish. Here you will find all types of opportunities for both trout and grayling. For more information on zone 7 please see «Fishing License – Zone 7 (Lesja) in Gudbrandsdalslågen» on Inatur.
Zone 8: Otta River, Lake Lalmsvatnet, and Lake Vågåvatnet in the Vågå Municipality
Zone 8 stretches form the border of Sel in the south, and follows the Otta River up to Lake Vågåvatnet. The Otta River offers very exciting trout fishing. Lake Vågåvatnet also offers very good fishing for trout, grayling, and char. For more information on zone 8 please see: «Fishing License – Zone 8 (Vågå) in Gudbrandsdalslågen, and netting license in Vågåvatnet» on Inatur.
Zone 9: Gausa, Jøra, and Augga in Gausdal Kommune
Zone 9 offers fishing in the Gausa, Jøra, and Augga Rivers. Previously the Gausa was recognized as one of one of Norway’s premier trout streams. Here you will also find grayling and varying carp species. In zone 9 a season bag limit has been implemented with a maximum of 5 trout per angler over 25 cm. We ask that you release all fish with an unclipped adipose fin (wild fish). For more information on zone 9 please see: «Fishing License – Zone 9 Gausa in Gausdal – A tributary of Lågen» on Inatur.
Other Information
- If you pack it in, pack it out. Keeping rivers clean is our joint responsibility.
- Please show respect in populated areas and to others while fishing.