Stage 2

- Sømåkvolvet
Imagine having an entire month to simply fish… how would you plan it out? Here we provide a bit of inspiration within Fishspots’ hottest areas – Tour de Fishspot 2021.
Sømåkvolvet, surrounded by opportunities.
Now we head north, from the big trout hunt in Rena onwards to Sømåkvolvet to relax a bit. The goal here isn’t the largest trout, but very nice trout, a fish dinner or two, and the opportunity for gorgeous arctic char in small lakes. And if you’re still hungry for big trout, then the river Sømåa runs through the valley below.
Sømåkvolvet is a lower elevation mountain range west of Sømådalen. The geology is unique, with old growth pine forests, moss covered ground, and moraine ridges. A bit similar to Femundsmark, but small enough that you can cross the area within an afternoon.
The lakes in kvolvet have been managed and cultivated by Engerdal Fjellstyre for many years. The quality of fish varies throughout the lakes, both due to water quality, bug life, and how recently each lake was cultivated. Luckily it isn’t far to walk between many small lakes in the area. You are rarely more than a few hundred meters from a new lake, and there are large trout in many of them. This is all part of the charm of Sømåkvolvet.
A basic cabin
Engerdal Fjellstyre has a cabin which can be rented. What it is missing in standard it more than makes up for in charm and location, nicely situated in the terrain between lakes Øvre and Nedre Pulltjern.
Don’t overlook even the smallest of lakes. Some of the best fishing can be had while kneeling on the marshy banks making short casts. Char in Sømåkvolvet are tough to figure out, but if you want a shot at the large char swimming here it is wise to visit early in the season. When the small mayflies are done hatching it is usually over for char fishing.
There is a nice trail leading from the road, so it is easy to pack in plenty of food and beverages to enjoy yourself a bit extra at the cabin while planning the next step in Tour de Fishspot.
These lakes each have their own character, ranging from bogs to small mountain lakes surrounded by hook pine. Most of the lakes in the area have crystal clear water, with some exceptions including Langsjøen. The largest fish are rarely caught here, but if the goal is filling the frying pan with a nice healthy fat trout with red meat then it is worth checking out. Harvesting fish in Langsjøen is an important part of cultivation, and the trout are in excellent condition.
Lighter fly rods in wt 3-5. Waders aren’t necessary, but can be nice to have when kneeling on the marshy banks or wading to cast. Unnecessary wading should be avoided as it is easy to spook fish in these small lakes. A good pair of hiking boots is the best alternative, especially if you want to get around and fish as many lakes as possible.
Mosquitoes, caddis, and mayflies are the flies of choice. Smalle emergers which can imitate Leptophlebia vespertina kan be crucial if they are hatching. Otherwise mosquitoes in various stages are always good to have in the box. Later in the season the caddis become more important. Ants fish well throughout the summer.

• You can fish on the common license for Engerdal Kommune.
• The minimum size limit for trout and char is 25 cm.
• Boats and inflatables are not allowed.

Plan B
If the warm weather strikes the small lakes in the area can get too warm. In this case the larger rivers in the area are a much better alternative. Femundselva and the fly fishing only zones in Isterfossen and Galtfossen are good alternatives. If you visit Sømåkvolvet late in July, and it has rained a bit, then Sømåa is worth a visit. There are often big migratory trout to be found given the right conditions.