Calm fall days and clear water

Calm days on the three fly fishing zones on upper Gudbrandsdalslågen can recharge the mind and soul with big trout and grayling in crystal clear water.
Calm days on the three fly fishing zones on upper Gudbrandsdalslågen can recharge the mind and soul with big trout and grayling in crystal clear water.
When the wind picks up the river can almost seem dead… then suddenly it awakes. The wind stops, the mosquitos swarm and during the evening the spinner fall begins. This is what we dream about.
The three fly-fishing only zones and the sections between can be challenges stretches of water even when it isn’t windy, but when a fish rises to your fly all of the days of frustration are quickly forgotten. A dash of patience is crucial.
During the month of August Gudbrandsdalslågen above the confluence with Otta is crystal clear. Many an angler swear by leaders 2-2.5 times the rod length, and if you are new to the river you are guaranteed to spook a good amount of fish before you figure out how to approach this extremely clear water. During the evening the fishing typically gets easier and easier.
Take extra caution to other anglers here and a b-line around the area they are fishing. Just showing yourself on the road shoulder can be enough to spook a fish a full casting length away.
If you want to save some time then hiring a guide is a good idea. Also check out the river outside of the fly fishing zones and zone 6 (Dovre) if the river is busy. You won’t necessarily find the most fish or the least fishing pressure in the fly fishing zones, and if there is anything the fish here react to it’s fishing pressure.
Breath deeply and walk carefully, and it eventually all comes together.