Dreaming about Norway

Dutchman Eelco de Graaff has taken summer vacation in Norway for 12 years. Now this fly fisherman is hoping that the authorities lighten up on the coronavirus restrictions.
Dutchman Eelco de Graaff has taken summer vacation in Norway for 12 years. Now this fly fisherman is hoping that the authorities lighten up on the coronavirus restrictions.
Written by Lars Reitan
Eelco de Graaff made his summer vacation plans long ago. Originally he had planned on traveling to both Iceland and Norway, but the corona situation put a stop to that. However, de Graaff still has hope that he may be able to travel to Norway this summer.
-The plan to travel to Iceland for his second time to target trout and char is not looking likely. However, when it comes to Norway he is crossing his fingers that the authorities will be a bit more agreeable and open the borders, especially for foreigners who have come to Norway for so many years.

This Dutch fly fisherman has, together with his wife, and alternative travel route planned through Germany and Sweden. They are hoping they can get into the country this way. But only time will tell.
Longing for nature, peace, and quiet.
Eelco has used a large portion of his vacation time in Norway for the past decade, mostly together with his wife. But he as also brought his son with him, who has also become quite the fly fisherman.

Even though there is a good amount of uncertainty about this summer, he mentions several destinations he is longing to get back to.
-We are thinking about a roundtrip starting in Trysil and heading on to Saltstraumen, both for fishing and hiking Norway has so many nice places to offer, says de Graaff, before he starts talking about Dovre, Rondane, Trysil, Koppang, Røros, Hardangervidda, Rago, Femundsmarka, Saltfjellet, and Rena.
-I enjoy myself most in the areas of mid Norway and north… No, actually anywhere in Norway!
He finally lands on Glomma and Rena, with its excellent trout and grayling fishing as his favorite destinations in Norway, but says he is excited to try saltwater fishing as well for cod, Pollock, coalfish, and mackerel. Just being outside and enjoying Norwegian nature is what he is truly after, regardless of where he ends up.
– If we don’t end up making it to Norway at some point this summer I will definitely not feel whole, and will miss the nature, stillness, and all of these places. At home in the Netherlands it is much harder to get away from people, and to find good fishing. Maybe he could target bream with small nymphs and dry flies in one of the local lakes.