Fishing at Selsvollene and Gudbrandsdalslaagen

In the upper parts of the Laagen river in sentral Norway, you will find some fantastic clear water fishing for trout and grayling. The full name of the river is Gudbrandsdalslågen, and […]
In the upper parts of the Laagen river in sentral Norway, you will find some fantastic clear water fishing for trout and grayling. The full name of the river is Gudbrandsdalslågen, and this is also the name of the film we are showcasing here. This stretch of the river have seen some fantastic changes after a period of good governing of the river by local people and organisations.
The river have in many ways been a well kept secret. Not that people dont know of the rivers existence, but it has just not caught attention of travelling anglers. The people behind the cultivation of the river, and the upper regions in particular, wanted the word out on this fantastic water. The upper parts of the river called Zone 5, and the section of fly fishing only, called Selsvollene, can all be reached by road.
The Selsvollene Fly Fishing zone is located just north of Otta in Gudbrandsdalslågen valley. The area is well-known among Norwegian fly fishermen, but this fly fishing zone is relatively new. The stretch is about 5 km of crystal clear waters with a good stock of grayling and trout.
The Selsvollene stretch is a 5 km long slow flowing section of the 45 km long “zone 5” in river Gudbrandsdalslågen, managed by the ‘Lågen Fiskeelv SA’ river board. This fly only zone has a good stock of trout and grayling, a large part of the grayling population is over 40 cm. The trout have had a good bump up in stock the past few years. The river is easy to wade. The fishing season lasts until late autumn, and the water is crystal clear.
Foto: CoreCom Film AS
Lågen zone 5
Zone 5 of the mighty Gudbrandsdalslågen river is one of Norway’s best river stretches, and ideal for fly fishing. Spring and autumn is the best parts of the season, but it fishes well all summer. Gudbrandsdalslågen (or “Lågen”, as the river is often called) and River Otta at Sel community can offer exciting fishing for trout and grayling much of the year. Grayling fishing just after ice off is well known locally, and it is not uncommon for grayling to reach up to 1,5 kg. Trout between 2 and 4 kg are caught every year. Good fishing can be had in this diverse river with worms, lure and flies as well.